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Valqua Gf 300

Valqua Gf 300

Update Terakhir 24 / 06 / 2021
Minimal Pembelian 1 Lembar



Detail Valqua Gf 300

Valqua Gf 300 packing sheet

Spesifikasi valqua GF 300

Gasket Flange.

Detail Valqua GF300
GF300 dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi suhu tinggi (Tahan panas pada suhu 300 ° C). Penggunaan binder resin fleksibel menghasilkan sifat ridak mudah rapuh dan cacat dibandingkan dengan grafit gasket. Air, air laut, air panas, uap, udara, Asam (tidak termasuk mengoksidasi asam seperti panas, asam sulfat pekat dan asam asam), lemah alkali, larutan air garam, minyak, alkohol, pelarut alifatik dan yang uap, serta gas cair asam pengoksidasi dan zat rentan untuk membakar seperti oksigen. Koneksi flensa pipa dan katup topi, flensa penutup dan nozel di menara & tank, oven, tekanan pembuluh dan penukar panas yang digunakan dalam berbagai pabrik termasuk pembangkit listrik, minyak kilang, karya besi, dan galangan kapal

Jual valquaGF-300

Being entirely free from rubber, no heat
deterioration occurs, thus, GF300 can be
used for high temperature applications
(heat resisting at 300°C).
The use of flexible resin binders results in
improved properties against brittleness
and flaw compared to expanded graphite
sheet gaskets.
Water, seawater, hot water, steam, air,
acids (excluding oxidizing acids such as
hot, concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric
acid), weak alkalis, saline water solution,
oils, alcohol, aliphatic solvent and its
vapor, as well as liquefied gases
Oxidizing acids and substances
susceptible to burn such as oxygen
Connections of pipe flanges and valve
bonnets, of cover flanges and nozzles in
towers & tanks, ovens, pressure vessels
and heat exchangers used in various
factories including power stations, oil
refineries, iron works, and shipyards
〈Width × length〉(mm)
1270×1270(t 1.0, t 1.5)
1500×1500(t 2.0, t 3.0)
〈Thickness〉1.0, 1.5, 2.0. 3.0 mm
〈Color tone〉Black (print color )